Thursday, 13 September 2012

Dissection of the heart and lungs in 6JD


  1. i leaned more about the left ventricle than before and the heart and lung at fist was horrible but i got use to it


  2. I thought that the dissection was fun and interesting. I found out that the lungs float in water because they contain air. I also found out that the left ventricle has thicker muscle than the right ventricle. That is because the left ventricle pumps blood around the body and the right ventricle pumps the blood to the lungs!

  3. I loved doing this Mr.D. I got to see the heart-strings and the valves. It was cool getting to see it all for real!

  4. I loved this Mr Darnley.I got to see all of the valves in the heart. Inside the wind pipe there were tiny little white teeth but not sharp.In the heart it was pure red blood but in the lungs there was pinky redish foamy blood.It was amazing to be part of an amazing experience.

  5. I enjoyed dissecting the pigs heart and lungs as it was a really memorable experience with lots of blood everywhere

  6. I enjoyed cutting the different things open, I never knew that it looked like it did inside was very stringy. I thought the heart would be bigger. I would like to do this again.
